April 2010. Information on the biological control of whiteflies (Bemisia tobacci) was requested by St Lucia.
Nesidiocoris tenuis or Encasia bimaculata was suggested, as well as Eretmoceriseremica, which is used as a parasite in UK glasshouses. It is more effective than Encarsia formosa on Bemisia. Eretmocerismundi is said to be better still but it is not allowed in the UK as it is bred on Bemisia and UK has a nil tolerance to Bemisia. Amblysieus swirksii is used as a predator where temperatures are 18??C or higher. Bemisia is a difficult pest to control biologically or with pesticide.
Classical biocontrol has been used with quite some success against Bemisia and other whiteflies. If MALFF is considering the importation of a biocontrol agent that proved useful elsewhere, please consult first regarding the necessary step in the ISPM No 3: “Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents“, which can be downloaded for free from:
CABI has produced a Discovery Learning whitefly management manual, which can give you a wider range of options how to tackle this group of insects. Natural enemies of different whitefly species are summarized and many links provided on up-dates on matters of interest. Copies can be obtained from CABI Caribbean and Latin America, Gordon Street, Curepe, Trinidad, or [email protected]. Electronic copies can be obtained from CABI UK.
Lopez V, Vos J, Polar P, Krauss, U (2008) Discovery Learning about Sustainable Management of Whitefly Pests and Whitefly-Borne Viruses. CABI Caribbean and Latin America, Trinidad & Tobago. pp 341.