Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Whiteflies > Management of whitefly, tomato, eggplant, Samoa

Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Whiteflies > Management of whitefly, tomato, eggplant, Samoa

Management of whitefly, tomato, eggplant, Samoa

November 2012. Samoa asked about the control of whitefly in a tunnel containing tomato and eggplant heavily infested with the insects.

There were a number of comments and suggestions:

  • methylated vegetable oil 700 g/l
  • neem oil 15 g/5l plus 10 washing powder sprayed in the late afternoon (Editor: preferably use washing soap, not laundry soap or powder) (country not given)
  • in a screen house situation, Encasia works (country not given)
  • In New Caledonia, the IPM program is based on chemical free methods for whitefly control:
    • Both Eretmocerus eremicusand Encarsia formosa are reared locally
    • yellow sticky traps and rollers are used,
    • soap sprays (using plant soap, e.g. BioSoap®)
    • organic chemicals such as citrus essential oils (e.g. Prevam®) and neem oil products (such as BioNeem® or NeemAzal TS ®)

The first thing to do is to identify the white. If it is spiraling whitefly then Encarsia haitiensis works well.

Pests Pests Entities Insects Whiteflies Management of whitefly, tomato, eggplant, Samoa

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