Crops > Ornamentals > Dracaena, ?varietal white spots, Palau
Crops Ornamentals Dracaena, ?varietal white spots, Palau
May 2009. Spots on leaves of Dracaena: are they varietal markings or symptoms of disease? A question asked by Palau. Not all shoots show the symptoms; it only happens sometimes, and at present most of the plant does not show these symptoms. There are no signs of larvae or exit holes that might be caused by leaf miners. Other than these white patterns, the plant appears healthy and vigorous.
A member said that one of the photos showed what might be ringspots. But there were other possibilities – other than virus, and miners – and slugs or snails were suggested. None of these suggestions was convincing.
A member from the Philippines said that the plant was Spotted Dracaena or Japanese bamboo, and it is likely that the spots are a varietal characteristic. There are a number of websites showing the spots: