Crops > Trees, palms & pandanus > Palms & cycads > Red palm weevil, Israel
Crops Trees, palms & pandanus Palms & cycads Red palm weevil, Israel
September 2016. A member from Israel sent images of palms along side a citrus orchard that are being killed by the red palm weevil. It is only a matter of time before the weevils decimate all of them. Is there any way to keep the palms alive?
A member wrote, what is in Israel where the first RPW infestation was perfectly eradicated in 3 years is really a pity. We know perfectly what could have been done and still could be done to stop the infestation, protect the non-infested palms and save the infested ones detected early (that is quite possible). We have established in 2011 a very feasible strategy (low cost, easy and rapid to implement) and the corresponding treatments. It is incredible that the plant protection authority in Israel is acting so badly when this increasing infestation represents a terrible threat for the date sector that is for economic, ecological and politic reasons so important for this country and its neighbours.
In response, the member who had posted the images of the red palm weevil and the note about the dying palms, said that in Israel the ministry of agriculture delegates the responsibility of controlling the red palm weevil to the local authourities and regional councils. They look after all the palms in public places, but treating palms in private gardens and fields is the responsibility of homeowners. This seems to be the problem because the weevil finds refuge in surburbia. A lot of people are unaware about the red palm weevil until it’s too late and then are reluctant to face a hefty bill to remove a tower of spikes and maggots. |