Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Aphids, Planthoppers & Bugs > Aphids, Nasonavia ribis-nigri, Cook Is
Pests Pests Entities Insects Aphids, Planthoppers & Bugs Aphids, Nasonavia ribis-nigri, Cook Is
Aphid, Nasomavia ribis-nigris
April 2006. Aphids were found in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, in a confiscated consignment of iceberg lettuce imported from New Zealand. The heads were heavily infested and aphids could be found under each layer of leaf right through to the middle of the heart. The aphids were thought to be Nasonovia ribis-nigri.
The consignment of lettuce was incinerated and Cook Islands quarantine is now conducting an inspection on all fresh produce imported from New Zealand.
It was confirmed that the aphids were most likely the currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonavia ribis-nigri, a major pest of lettuce in several countries including New Zealand and Australia (Tasmania and some parts of mainland Australia). Vanuatu too have seen aphids on lettuce from New Zealand.
It was pointed out that The International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 13. Guidelines for the notification of non-compliance … gives guidance on what procedures should be followed when making a complaint about commodities being exported with regulated pests. In particular, Section 6 lists the type of information (particularly the identity of the intercepted pests, covered in detail in Section 8).