Pests > Pests Entities > Mites, Spiders, Scorpions > Mites > Gall mites, sweet potato, PNG
Pests Pests Entities Mites, Spiders, Scorpions Mites Gall mites, sweet potato, PNG
March 2009. The problem of gall mites on sweet potato vines is spreading in gardens throughout the highlands of Papua New Guinea. It is becoming a common problem, although it appears to be variety specific. Comments were requested on the mite and its management.
In reponse, it was said that the Eriophyes mite injects chemicals into the plant leaves when feeding. It is microscopic which explains why farmers are not seeing it. Eggs are laid within the gall. There has been little research done on it and control methods usually recommended are growing non-susceptible varieties.
In the future, as PNG continues to develop its capacity to provide Pathogen Tested (PT) planting material it may be possible to reduce the effects of this pest. Currently, farmers are transfering the pest from garden to garden by use of infected planting materials. If farmers are able to obtain PT material they will reduce the spread.