Pests > Pests Entities > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Mosaic virus, watermelon, Maldives

Pests > Pests Entities > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Mosaic virus, watermelon, Maldives

Pests Pests Entities Viruses & Phytoplasmas Mosaic virus, watermelon, Maldives

Mosaic virus, watermelon

August 2007. There is a widespread problem in the Maldives with damage to watermelon (and other melon) shoots and leaves. It looks like it might be a mosaic virus, reinforced by finding aphids on primary leaves (and an unidentified thrips on a shoot exhibiting the symptoms).

The symptoms on the rockmelon leaf look like a mosaic virus, either Papaya ringspot virus or, more likely, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus. There was uncertainty about the symptoms on the watermelon, but may be thrips.

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