Pests > Pests Entities > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Unidet virus, Sri Lanka

Pests > Pests Entities > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Unidet virus, Sri Lanka

Pests Pests Entities Viruses & Phytoplasmas Unidet virus, Sri Lanka

Unidet virus, Sri Lanka

August 2007. An unidentified papaya disease in Sri Lanka. One variety of papaya (purple colour petioles) showed apical necrosis, among several varieties grown in the same field. Initially, uppermost leaves wilt with marginal necrosis, fall, leaving the bare trunk, which later dies. Brown spots and brown ringspots develop on fruits of affected plants.

Affected plants were tested for Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV) by ELISA (Agdia chemicals) resulting negative reaction. No fungal of bacterial pathogens were not detected. Application of fungicides against this disease have failed. With reference to compendium of papaya diseases and internet sites, the symptoms are somewhat similar to Papaya Droopy Necrosis and Papaya Apical Necrosis Viruses.

The Global Plant Clinic offered to look at samples.

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