Pests > Pests Entities > Weeds > Porana volubilis, Guam
Pests Pests Entities Weeds Porana volubilis, Guam
December 2004. The photo was taken in Guam and an identification was requested.
It was thought at first to be Antigonan leptopus var. alba, but then more probably a member of the morning-glory family, Convolvulaceae. It was suggested that a check be made with an expert at the University of Guam.
Antigonon is figured in the links:
It was identified by the Bishop Museum as Porana volubilis Burm. f., a member of the Convolvulaceae. The species is native throughout Southeast Asia and Malesia, where it is often grown for it’s fragrant flowers. It is doubtful whether it will set fruit on Guam unless there are two plants, because the flowers of this species are rarely if ever self-fertile. Although one plant will grow to cover a large area, it was not thought likely to spread. It was thought to be a recent introduction there.