Crops > Fruits & nuts > Guava > Sooty mould, Maldives
Crops Fruits & nuts Guava Sooty mould, Maldives
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July 2005. Sooty mould on guava due to infestation by scales, mealybugs or whiteflies; the photos are not clear enough to distinguish which. The honeydew produced by the sucking insects provides the substrate for the sooty mould fungi.
Biocontrol would be the most sustainable solution. But in an acute outbreak, a systemic insecticide will help, depending on what is available and how much time is left before harvest begins.
Sooty mould will not have a great impact on yield, but it can become serious. Spraying a thin solution of starch will remove the black sooty mould. The starch will flake off as it dries, taking the mould with it.