A network that helps people worldwide obtain rapid advice and information on crop protection, including the identification and management of plant pests.
PestNet is a network that helps people worldwide obtain rapid advice and information on crop protection, including the identification and management of plant pests. It started in 1999. Anyone with an interest in plant protection is welcome to join. PestNet is free and is moderated, ensuring that messages are confined to plant protection.
February 2006. Several photos of insect were sent from a diagnostics lab in Bolivia. It appears they are interceptions from wooden boxes and ornamentals.
They were not indetified to species: the following information was provided:
Insects for identification (“insect found in wood container”): Coleoptera Latridiidae (lower, right)
insects for identification1 (“insect found in wood container”): Coleoptera Cerambycidae (top, left)
insects for identification2 (“insect found in wood container”): Coleoptera Curculionidae Scolytinae (top, right)
insects for identification3 (“Coccinellidae found in ornamentalplants”): Hemiptera Coccoidea ?Pseudococcidae (lower, left)